AI-lluminating Moments from ProductCon AI

Carlos Gonzalez de Villaumbrosia
6 min readAug 12, 2024


Last week, the Product community came together for an unforgettable day filled with inspiring talks, networking, and valuable insights into the world of Artificial Intelligence. With more than 15,000 attendees from around the globe, ProductCon AI was a phenomenal success!

We can’t wait to see you at the next ProductCon! Sign up to join us live and connect with the ProductCon community.

GPS for Navigating Product Leadership in the Era of AI

Amit Fulay, VP of Product at Microsoft

Amit Fulay kicked off the event with his insightful talk on the secrets behind successful product management in the AI era. Drawing from his extensive experience at Google, Meta, and Microsoft, Amit shared invaluable lessons on balancing creativity and structure in product development. He emphasized the importance of decision-making strategies and fostering a culture of transparency while navigating AI. I found Amit’s perspective on embracing new technologies particularly inspiring, as it resonates with our mission at Product School to stay at the forefront of innovation.

“As we build products, build the future, learn about AI, learn about the future, I just hope the problems we choose to work on and the way we approach them bring the utmost value to humanity and to this planet.”

Watch the full talk here

How Product Leaders Can Harness the Power of Machine Learning to Supercharge their Products

Stephanie Neill, Head of Product at Stripe

Stephanie Neill captivated the audience with her talk on leveraging machine learning to supercharge products. She explored the strategic use of ML, its business value, and how to integrate it into product development. Stephanie highlighted the importance of starting with a clear user need and incorporating design from the outset. She shared lessons learned from real-world case studies, including Twitch’s Hype Train feature, illustrating how ML can optimize operations, enhance customer experiences, and explore new revenue streams. Her insights truly showcased the transformative potential of AI in product management.

“The important thing to remember is when you’re building ML products, you need to be iterative. You need to test your assumptions on the value and evaluate the ROI as you go because it can get really expensive and heavy.”

Watch the full talk here

Leveraging AI for User-Generated Content Platforms

Craig Saldanha, CPO at Yelp

Craig Saldanha’s talk focused on the unique challenges and opportunities of applying AI in user-generated content platforms. He explored how AI can enhance consumer trust, streamline connections, and curate content to improve user experiences on platforms like Yelp. Craig explained the distinction between objective and subjective queries and how AI handles them, and he discussed innovative applications like AI-curated videos to provide authentic experiences. It was fascinating to hear how AI is being used to elevate UGC platforms and create more meaningful interactions between users and businesses.

“On platforms where user-generated content is the primary reason why users visit, consumers don’t want their interactions replaced by AI-powered software. They trust the authenticity of interactions with real people. It’s crucial to preserve that trust while integrating AI.”

Watch the full talk here

Turning Code into Cash: AI Monetization Strategies from Slack’s VP of Product

A conversation with Jaime DeLanghe, VP of Product at Slack, and Carlos González De Villaumbrosia, CEO at Product School

In a dynamic conversation, Jaime DeLanghe and I discussed strategic approaches to AI monetization. Jaime shared how Slack leverages AI to enhance products and generate revenue, offering practical examples and key considerations for product managers. We delved into the transition from B2C to B2B product management and the unique data challenges it presents. Jaime explained how Slack utilizes AI to reduce noise and enhance user experience, including the development of features like recaps, and detailed the rationale behind Slack’s AI monetization strategy and its approach to pricing.

I was impressed with her honest approach to the topic, and her leadership in maintaining a level playing field. She put it best when she said: “Raising the price for everybody just to be able to get some innovation moving on the feature didn’t feel like the right thing to do.”

Watch the full Podcast episode here

How PMs Use AI to 10X Their Productivity

Samantha Stevens, CEO and Co-founder of CatalistAI

Samantha Stevens shared her top strategies for maximizing productivity as a product manager using AI. Drawing from her experiences at Google and Tinder, she provided practical tips on planning, optimizing daily tasks, and using AI for feedback analysis. Samantha discussed using AI as a thought partner for brainstorming, weighing pros and cons, and identifying blind spots in product strategy. Her tips for breaking down big goals into manageable tasks and efficiently analyzing qualitative data were particularly useful for anyone looking to integrate AI into their daily workflow.

“For product managers, AI can help balance long-term initiatives with daily tasks. By using AI to optimize your day, you can focus on big-picture goals while ensuring that daily tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.”

Watch the full talk here

Panel Discussion: AI-Driven Product Strategy: Crafting Future-Proof Blueprints for Market Leadership

Ahmed Wafaey, Sr. Director of Product, Global Quick Commerce at Delivery Hero (Moderator) Jeffrey Wang, Co-founder and Chief Architect at Amplitude, Vijay Umapathy, Senior Director of Product at Heap & Cecilia Liu, Head of Product at Sprig

This engaging panel discussion featured industry leaders exploring the evolving role of AI in product management. Ahmed Wafaey moderated as Jeffrey Wang, Vijay Umapathy, and Cecilia Liu shared their perspectives on integrating AI thoughtfully into products. They emphasized the importance of creating real value rather than using AI as a stunt, discussed common pitfalls in AI development, and explored AI’s role in enhancing product management, business decisions, and ethical considerations. Their insights provided a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities presented by AI.

  • Cecilia: Don’t fall into the trap of integrating AI into everything for the sake of it. The technology itself doesn’t make a good product; the value created through the thoughtful application of AI does.
  • Jeffrey: One of the biggest pitfalls is designing your UX inappropriately for the capabilities of AI. You can’t just slap a chatbot on a product and expect it to work; the integration needs to be thoughtful and aligned with what AI can realistically achieve.
  • Vijay: In the next 5–10 years, our collective standards and capital efficiency will rise. AI will play a crucial role in accelerating product-led growth, making it essential for companies to deliver value quickly and efficiently.

Watch the full discussion here

Turbocharge Your PM Career

Nikhyl Singhal, Former VP of Product at Meta

Nikhyl Singhal closed the event with actionable career advice for product managers. Drawing from his extensive experience across Google, Credit Karma, and Meta, he offered insights on managing career transitions, building strong networks, and developing key skills. Nikhyl emphasized treating your career like a product with a vision, strategy, and roadmaps to avoid short-term optimizations. He also highlighted the importance of networking authentically and taking charge of your career path. His advice was invaluable for any PM looking to navigate their career path strategically and effectively.

“Adaptability and growth always trump responsibility. Companies value those who can quickly pick up new skills and adapt to different environments over someone who merely has established a significant amount of responsibility.”

Watch the full talk here

We are incredibly grateful to the speakers, attendees, and volunteers who made ProductCon AI such a success. As someone passionate about the future of AI in Product Management, I couldn’t be more proud to have shared the virtual stage with these inspiring AI product leaders!

Next up, join us in person or online for ProductCon San Francisco in October and ProductCon London in February 2025!



Carlos Gonzalez de Villaumbrosia

CEO at Product School — Global leader in product management training